Custom Solutions

Concept to Launch

Concept to Launch is a streamlined, efficient, and integrated methodology for the development of custom fluid control solutions and flow control solutions. This approach ensures your project is designed and executed correctly the first time, meeting your expectations with precision and reliability.


Concept to Launch is not just a sequence.

Concept to launch is a streamlined, integrated methodology for product development that reduces cycle time and costly design iterations. It helps ensure clear communications, smooth transitions, and detailed documentation from one critical milestone to the next.

You get the right design for your application, no matter how complex or demanding. We can take responsibility for developing a total functional solution for your application, employing a wide range of manufacturing processes and material families including thermoplastics, elastomers and metals.

We can also assist with functional testing to help ensure that the solution functions properly in your application. And because we are a market-focused company, our familiarity with your applications helps us find that solution with greater speed and effectiveness.


The early stages of product design are the most critical.

By looking at all of the right considerations early, you can reduce project delays and cost overruns later on. It is at the concept stage that Vernay’s engineers work with your team to understand every dimension of your application — functionality, costs, performance, time-to-market, and manufacturability — including all of the upstream and downstream factors that will affect performance.

Unlike other companies, we do not drive to a geometry that exists in a catalog — we work towards a custom, co-designed solution that fits your application needs.


At Vernay, we look at design, materials, and process in parallel.

This is one of the many advantages of working with a company that has all of these core competences in-house. A serial approach can waste time and money taking you too far down the wrong path. From the concept stage onward, our application engineers work in concert with our chemists and manufacturing engineers to evaluate geometry, materials, and process.

The result is a design that is optimized for your application, with materials and manufacturability already taken into consideration before development begins.



Simulation and predictive analysis makes the difference.

Simulation and predictive analysis can accelerate time to market and improve chances of success. When developing a new application, our Advanced Product Development group uses analytical simulation tools to provide invaluable insight into expected functional performance.

These tools include: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Finite Element Analysis (FEA), SigmaSoft mold flow simulation, as well as proprietary software that combines FEA and CFD specifically for modeling fluid control parameters. When it comes to complex projects, Vernay is in its element.

When the design is complete, we coordinate all the resources to meet your targets.

By looking at all of the right considerations early, you can reduce project delays and cost overruns later on. It is at the concept stage that Vernay’s engineers work with your team to understand every dimension of your application — functionality, costs, performance, time-to-market, and manufacturability — including all of the upstream and downstream factors that will affect performance.

Unlike other companies, we do not drive to a geometry that exists in a catalog — we work towards a custom, co-designed solution that fits your application needs.

When it comes to complex projects, Vernay is in its element.

Physical Prototyping

Vernay is recognized for the stringent accuracy of our physical prototypes to satisfy both design and manufacturing goals.

Since project timing is often critical, we have the ability to make prototype mold cavities in-house. We use the same plating that will be used in serial production to replicate, as closely as possible, production tools and processes. Unlike a sample shop, Vernay understands what is required to transition successfully from prototype to serial production. This is the knowledge and experience that turns a prototype into a platform for a successful product launch.

Materials Optimization

Ensuring the right material for your solution requires a process of formulation and optimization.

Our materials laboratory is constantly formulating new materials for your demanding applications. Working together early on the development of your unique material formulation allows us to provide expert knowhow to meet your application and market requirements.

During the physical prototyping stage, we will work with you to evaluate formulations for your component, to check physical or chemical properties for functionality, manufacturability, or market-specific standards. In the end, you’ll have multiple formulations to choose from to get the material that performs best for your application.

Process Optimization

Process optimization provides the opportunity to fine-tune your design.

At Vernay, we evaluate process technologies in the concept development stage as an integral part of geometry and materials considerations. This can save valuable time and costly mistakes as your product moves into high-volume production. Once the prototype is complete, Vernay manufacturing engineers optimize the recommended process for your design, based on performance, costs, and other project targets.


Functional Testing

Functional performance testing of the physical prototype is one more way that Vernay ensures your project’s success.

Vernay has fully equipped test laboratories in three locations around the world for both liquid and air testing. We can fully characterize the functional performance of a fluid control device to determine if it meets functional requirements, testing under real-life conditions before undergoing costly pre-production trials. Compare our functional tests to any other vendor and you will see another reason that customers trust critical components to Vernay.

Successful product launches today require the ability to coordinate a diverse, global supply chain.

This may be new territory for some companies, but Vernay is historically and culturally a global company, with the ability to smoothly coordinate the launch of your project across multiple geographies and stakeholders. From concept through launch, we meticulously document the entire history of your component or functional device. This enables us to activate that global supply chain without information gaps that can cause mistakes and delays.

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